Friday, November 23, 2012

Why Thanksgiving is my Favorite Holiday (dave)

Thanksgiving has always been a great holiday in my life.  There are the obvious suspects, Hunting, Food, and Football.  A day that typically combines them all, what's not to love?  We didn't do any hunting this year, and I felt a twinge of regret over that.  I absolutely detest getting up early, but there is something about hunting that can get me going.  There is the excitement of seeing the big trophy or seeing something shootable at all, but really for me most times it is the ride there and home.  The talks, and the joking, and just being together really.  My favorite is antelope hunting by far, and I think it is because there is a lot more time in the vehicle.  Football, that has become a huge love in our family, I have always followed the Chicago Bears, and as many fans with a team that hasn't demonstrated enormous success in my lifetime, I had fallen a little out of touch.  A few years ago, something sparked it off, and Kori and I got back into it.  As we followed more closely we also noticed that a couple of our boys rebelled even harder.  It became a split home all surrounding the longest and most fierce rivalry in the NFL and in the SCRWD household.  That's right we have boys that love the Packers.  It hurts my heart a little that they don't all jump on board the Bear's fanwagon, but in reality it fills my heart.  It is all in good fun, and it has really brought our family even closer.  Ok, now onto Food.  Everyone has their favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving, and for some it isn't even meat LOL.  I love me some Turkey with cranberries, and some potatoes with gravy, and Stuffing, I think I am almost hungry again if that is even possible.  For me however, I am a dessert freak.  I think I could eat an entire pumpkin pie if they didn't hold it out until the end of the meal.  This year I found a new favorite dessert, a nice pumpkin cheesecake, it was delicious!  In fact one of the things I looked forward to most as I drug myself out of bed to come to work today, was a nice piece of leftover cheesecake that would serve as breakfast mmmm.

This year however the last obvious reason took center stage for me... Family.  It's not that I don't appreciate and love family every Thanksgiving, it is just that this year, it really hit home for me.  It is funny really, you would think that it would be an amazing year or even a good year where you would really have the most to be thankful for.  But for me, coming out of one of the hardest years of my life, I can't remember a Thanksgiving where I have ever had so much to be thankful for and where I have felt so blessed for the family, friends and even strangers who were there for my family and I throughout this year.  The craziest thing for me is that I don't even know everyone and everything that I need to be thankful for.  So, on reflection of this day of thanks, I wanted to compile an incomplete list of the people I am thankful for and why.  As I said above, I don't even know everyone or every reason I have to be thankful, and I know I'm not going to remember everything that was done for me or my family, SO, if you don't see me giving you a shoutout even though you did something special for me, please don't get offended, we love you anyway.  Also the order these are written in doesn't mean anything, with the exception of the first entry which should be obvious.

First and foremost is my wife Kori.  It reminds me so much of the song by Tim McGraw, 'Live Like You Were Dying'.  I can't get through that song without getting a little bit emotional, and I can completely appreciate some of the lyrics.  I don't want to wish on anyone the chance to feel like you are going to lose the one you love, but at the same time, it sure brings a different perspective and a total appreciation for that person.  A lot has changed in our lives over the past year, as can be expected, but I just can't imagine living my life without her as a part of it.  We have had good days and bad days, and sometimes it seems like it gets hard to remember all the good parts.  Then all it takes is a moment of reflection and the appreciation floods back in.  Kori I love you with all of my heart, and I look so forward to the day where you feel good and we can get back into a rhythm of normal worry and even more enjoyment taking a break from normal worry.

Gary:  As I look around at my life, there really isn't much of it that I don't feel some level of thanks to you for.  You have been a great inspiration in my life.  In the past it has been more focused on hunting and business, but over the past year I have been in awe of your strength, and your obvious love of your family.  I feel blessed daily to be a part of that family.  I don't feel like I can ever say thanks enough for your generosity, your example, and your acceptance into your family. 

Carol:  I know you take a little bit of teasing, but to be honest it was always a good thing to see someone so strong when things seemed so bad.  Someone to say it was going to be ok.  Your unending desire to help out any way you can is amazing.   Always willing to come just be with Kori and help out with dinner and laundry.  It means so much to us always.

Mom:  Thank you so much for being there to vent or for advice.  Hours on the phone, it was comforting to know I could call and just lay it all out there, and you would just listen and sometimes try to bring in some perspective.  Even now it gives us great comfort to have someone to call with questions and advice.  Thank you, and I love you.

Dad:  You generosity and compassion have always been an inspiration to me, but this year as I have been a recipient of them, it really leaves me without a great way to say thank you.  I also admire your continue chase of your dreams, and that serves me well to keep a positive outlook and to not give up moving forward.  I love you.

Angie:  Once again I feel at a loss for words.  Thank you for your love of your sister and your love of our children.  It made this summer possible for me that you were there to sweep our kids up like your own.  I continue to be in awe of everything you did for us.  You have helped us more than I can say, from your efforts to raise money to helping out with things at the house.  You are an amazing lady and I count myself blessed to have you in our lives. 

Matt:  First, thank you for taking on Thanksgiving prayer duties, I am certain I couldn't have made it through without a breakdown trying to express everything I was thankful for this year.  Thank you for opening your house for my children and being there to take care of them.  Mostly I am thankful for the relief you offer.  Always a joke or keeping things comfortable, a good laugh goes a long way when you feel crushed, and you always have a way to deliver, a way to take some of the edge off.  Thank you for being there.

Nicole and Russell:  I thank you so much for dropping your lives and driving through the night to be with Kori and I in Billings our first night there.  It was so refreshing to see family there first thing.  I also thank you for all your help with the kids and with things around our house, especially things like paperwork, waffles and coffee!  These may seem like small things to you, but we are so greatful.  I am thankful to you both!

Chris D:  You have been an amazing friend to me.  Being able to talk and have someone I could call or text at any time.  Lunches have given me a sense of normalcy through all of this, and I appreciate your sense of reason and just your friendship. 

To my brothers and sister:  I have really enjoyed spending time with each of you this past year.  I know that you were all there willing to do anything you could to help, and it was very comforting to know that I have family close and willing to help.  I love you all!

To our extended family:  The generosity has been so humbling.  I am amazed at how much everyone has helped us, financially and with dinners and food, it has all been a tremendous help to us as we struggled over this past year, in ways I don't even comprehend fully.  We are blessed to be surrounded by such a generous and giving family.  Thank you to all of you.

To all of the generous strangers (friends I have never met):  I was floored by all of the donations we got through this ordeal, it has been humbling and eye opening for me.  It has helped us through a most difficult time, and I have no way of knowing who or why, and maybe that is the point.  I hope that moving forward Kori and I are able to help others in the same way we have been so blessed. 

OK, some of that was pretty tough to write down even though most of it feels so far removed, but I have one other reason why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday:  As I sit here at work, I am already hearing Christmas music.  It's not that I hate Christmas or anything, I just really get tired of the commercialization and the month of hype leading up to it.  So, I am thankful that Thanksgiving gives me a buffer so Christmas doesn't take over the entire month of November too!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that the coming holiday season brings you and your families much joy.  I look forward to soaking it all in this year with a completely different appreciation!

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